Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Since I'm Up Anyway.....

Stupid Knox County schools. My morning ritual is to get up, coffee up, computer-weather, cycling related stuff, and make sure that I'm fully awake before I wake up the small boy for school type preparations. Today I changed the order and coffee came first THEN computer and I quickly realized school had been called off. Yesterday maybe, ice and small amounts of snow left over, but today the roads are clear ( I rode home last night and did not die on BLACK ICE ). It is stupidly cold with the windchill- maybe go ride frozen single-track before work? The trainer is looking pretty good.....

Tomorrow looks like a cold day for Big Dumb Thursdays weekly ride. Team Ed is looking strong for some Rich Mtn.-Heinous Loop something or another. We'll see how much snow the park gets today. Speaking of the park, here are some cool photos from a hike a couple weeks back and proof that cross-training is good as long as you don't do it too much.

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